What Our Clients and Supporters Say: Real Stories, Real Success

Discover how we’ve transformed visions into reality through the words of our satisfied clients.  Their testimonials reflect our commitment to excellence, innovation, and personalised service.  Join us in celebrating the journeys we've embarked on together, and see how we can help you achieve your goals!

Supporters of Our Programmes

Without whom our programme would not have been possible.

Previous CEO, YMCA Heart of England (HofE)

Regional Director, Northern Europe (GFFJ & GBR)

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Governance Ministries

Global Fund For Jesus (GFFJ) & Global Business Roundtable (GBR)
"…you get to understand Christian leadership, which is, ‘I’m going to disciple people that journey with me It’s not just having great values and principles, it’s really taking the Kingdom principles forward, and making Christ at the centre of all I do. I understand myself, issues, my relationship with God, and how I can really be effective as a Christian leader."
Keith Tripp, Regional Director, Northern Europe

Borough of Telford & Wrekin
“Oenca is an inspiration, who can “light up a room” with her enthusiasm for work and life. I first met her when she facilitated one to one feedback sessions with our senior managers to enable them to interpret their 360° reports. Oenca’s communication skills are highly developed and she enables individuals to reflect on their own behaviour and how it impacts on other people. I would have no hesitation in recommending Oenca to other people – in a work or personal capacity.” Celia Payne, Principal Learning & Development Officer

"This course has been such a blessing and I am only half way through. Already it has helped me with handling challenging meetings and working relationships with my team at work. Oenca has been extremely supportive, she has always made time to meet with me whenever I need help, and she has always given step by step advice with biblical knowledge - the best part is, that it actually works!" Ashley Rhone, Head of YouTube

A large Metropolitan Local Authority
"Having worked with and been mentored by Oenca, I now look at the world in a slightly different way. Oenca provides you with the keys that enable you to unlock your own potential, she also helps you to find the tools that you can use to carve out a better future for yourself. Her enthusiasm for life and what it can offer is infectious; you are left with a thirst to know and do more. When I met Oenca I not only found a Mentor and friend, but also an amazing human being.”
Margaret Holt, Organisational Development Officer

Global Fund For Jesus (GFFJ) & Global Business Roundtable (GBR)
"Even if you’re not a Christian this is useful, because it got valuable management and real leadership principles underlying it, it just takes it from the Christian perspective. It’s a powerful tool whether you’re a Christian, non-Christian, whether you’re in management, aspiring to leadership, whether you are or have been fairly successful and know your weaknesses… It’s got a wide breath of ability to make a difference." Keith Tripp, Regional Director, Northern Europe
Keith Tripp, Regional Director, Northern Europe

NHS Foundation Trust
“As a result of our meetings I have found my general approach to management has changed for the better, this is very much due to your inputs, guidance, and approach to issues. Whilst very informative they are very ‘ground floor’ related, i.e. I feel you promote discussion and communication on a very level playing field but still look to maintain a direct approach to issues, meeting something ‘head on’ if the need arises, but with the psychology of ‘what position does that place me in’."
A Senior Manager

Participants and Clients of Our Programmes

CEO, YMCA Heart of England (HofE)

Chaplain, YMCA North Staffs

Zircon Management Consulting Ltd.
"I worked with Oenca on the final stages of the development of the 360° Blueprint and was impressed not only with the dedication, belief and infectious enthusiasm she has for her work, but also with the professionalism and methodical way she approached the Blueprint project.  

Oenca demonstrated thoroughness and rigour in researching the "How" and the "What" requried of Christian leaders so they can provide the right spiritual governance and Godly and ethical leadership.  She identified the relevant competencies through interviewing key people in the Church and engaging in rigourous debate and exploration of the key behaviours required of leaders to engage, inspire and motivate congregations and other stakeholders in the wider community.  

She analysised the raft of information gathered, using cluster analysis to identify themes and having refined the behavioural items and defining the competencies, she then validated those items by re-engaging with those who had contributed to the intial data capturing exercise.  

Oenca's thoroughness and objectivity in the way she gathered information and challenged others to its relevance provided me with confidence that the raw data we based the final items on was valid.  

Working with Oenca on this project was extremely rewarding and thought-provoking due to the passion and belief she has in the work she does, and I would be more than delighted to work with her again."
Julie Lee BSc (Hons) MSc, Business Psychologist

Regional Director, Northern Europe (GFFJ & GBR)

Chaplain, YMCA (HofE)

Governance Ministries
""You really blessed us really, when you wanted to follow through..." "I thought that, no matter the way that all the team work with you, including those that want to butt out and not put the effort in; I just had the view that you would be helping them and encouraging them, and drawing on the Lord for them to achieve and to get some value out of the course... " Not every person in your position, coming into a company to train gives that..."
Richard Fleming, CEO

YMCA, Heart of England
“One of the real benefits was understanding my giftings, because I never had a real understanding about Spiritual Gifts... and because we honed it down from five to three, they've stuck with me, and I’ve been looking out for them.  They’ve been on my radar, and so I’ve been able to develop them over time.  Looking back, I’ve seen that development and those things that God has developed within me; and because I was aware of them, I’ve been allowing them to be enabled.  Combining that with the 360-degree feedback, as to how I come across, has helped me to be able to develop my giftings as well, and to take that approach into exploring giftings further.  Those giftings are things that are still on my radar now, and actually are being developed some four years later, and they continue to grow.” Laurence Chilver, Director of Learning & Communities

YMCA, North Staffs
"Our times together we are very enriching... You have a passion that you have about what you do. that makes God's word credible. I don't know if you've met people who are in ministry but they don't sound like they believe what they say, or they don't sound like they're convinced that they're in the right place. They sound like they're there because they have to. But for you, the passion that you have is very infectious. You have a warmth that lights up the room, and you definitely do have a gift with people... It's your passion that you have, it just shines through, that sense that over and over again, you've tested God's word, you've tasted it, and you know it to be true. That just shines through in your work and how you pass on your knowledge to people."
Nnaeto Onwuzurumba, Chaplain

YMCA, Heart of England
“The way you phrase questions helps one to see things differently from normal, and that drives out more of your own perspective on an issue.  You helped me to see that being in a leadership position is based on the way people see me.  It's not just only about the organisation, it's about me the person, myself as a leader, and the role I play in it.  You helped me to see that as a leader,  saying things like, ‘I believe…’ or 'I want...' at times, is stronger, more powerful that only using, 'we as an organisation', or 'we want to do this', because when people see what you believe, how you’re leading, and the way you're leading in your life… they are more likely to see you, believe what you say, and trust you.  The way you explained that, and bring meaning and understanding to things, helped me to not be fearful of saying ‘I’ in the right way, rather than thinking it's an ego thing, it makes it easier for me to say, ‘Yes, working with you is a worthy and a great thing."
Rotimi Benjamin, Chaplain

"It was a good session and I got a lot out of it.  It felt like you were just speaking truth and had figured me out well and knew who I was! Some of the things you said were like ‘stand back and take a second’ moments for me.  I even wrote a couple of your 'off the cuff' comments down, which is something I never usually would do, I’m definitely one to keep stuff in my head and am rubbish at taking notes...  I realise I often detach myself from what God is doing and don’t take confidence in or accept the gifts that God has given me which isn’t right, and what you said summed this up perfectly and has given me confidence this week!"
S Roe, VSC Media Production Centre Director

Abri CS
"This course has been such a blessing and I am only half way through. Already it has helped me with handling challenging meetings and working relationships with my team at work. Oenca has been extremely supportive, she has always made time to meet with me whenever I need help, and she has always given step by step advice with biblical knowledge - the best part is, that it actually works!" Jean McLeod, Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Director of Learning & Communities, YMCA (HofE)

Director of Housing and Youth, YMCA (HofE)

Norfolk Constabulary
"Oenca's approach has always been very open and willing to negotiate to deliver the most approprate coaching to meet the team's needs in consultation with myself.  Oenca is not troubled by any negative attitudes displayed by team members, in fact she thrives on understanding alternative views and working with individuals.  Oenca has been fully committed to supporting the Norfolk Constabulary, and her energy and commitment has been first class.

Oenca has a great ability to bring people together, support indiviudals and identify areas for development for both individuals and teams.  Her approach is very refreshing.  She has energy and enthusiasm that is infectious and she also is prepared to challenge those who either won't partake or who are unwilling to develop themselves.  This is a real strength of Oenca, whereby she challenges appropriately and in a way that does not isolate individuals.  It has been commented that most coaching sessions tip top around the actual problem and do not identify underlying causes, therefore learning is superficial.  This cannot be said of Oenca."
Julian Blazeby, Chief Superintndent, Protective Services Command

Phoenix Tavinor Engineering
"Coming onto the 360 course was extremely encouraging for me.  I was at a time in my life where I was at a crossroads.  Figuring out which direction to go.  Firstly, it gave me the opportunity to see what people saw in me, which was quite overwhelming I must admit, and some of it challenging.  Seeing my strengths and weaknesses gave me an opportunity to put some things in place to grow and become better in the areas I needed to work on.  Until this time, I've not had the chance to really work on myself, not knowing what tools were available to me.  Coming across Oenca's 360 was an act of faith. Her genuine heart and passion shone through, and her ability to care, and take you through a process where you felt valued and understood, was key to me finding the part within that God was trying to call out.  The programme gave me the confidence and the ability to move forward in my calling.  I'm genuinely not the same person as a result of the 360.  My calling is much bigger than me, and I've not been standing tall enough to see it.  Thank you Oenca for walking this part of my journey with me."
Anna Beck, Accountant

Christian Spiritual Development Manager,
YMCA Worcestershire

Chief Technology Officer, Abri CS

"The Divine Mission Mandate Programme™ came at a pivotal moment in my life.  I felt called to consolidate my various endeavours and align them with God's purpose for me.  This programme presented itself as the perfect tool to help me gather all my aspirations, trust in the Lord, and discern His will for my life.  It offered a unique opportunity to analyse and refine my spiritual and professional journey, bringing clarity to my divine mission."

"I joined the programme seeking clarity about God's plan for my life and my next steps.  While I didn't have specific expectations, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of self-discovery the course offered.  The programme helped me understand myself better and gain insights into God's intentions for my future.  It revealed aspects of my personality and potential that I hadn't anticipated, such as the discussion about 'shape' and other eye-opening concepts.  

The programme provided the tools and guidance I needed to gain clarity, confidence, and a renewed sense of direction in both my personal and professional life.  This journey of self-exploration and spiritual alignment was exactly what I needed to discern where God wants me next."

"The Gifted for Action Experience™ was a transformative journey for me, and two aspects stood out as particularly beneficial:
1.  The Flexible Online Learning - The online content was exceptional, it allowed me to engage with the material at my own pace and the opportunity to revisit modules was invaluable for deeper reflection and understanding; and the
2.  Guided Self-Discovery - The structured approach to self-reflection and the one-on-one sessions were instrumental in helping me to process my thoughts.  

Oenca's guidance helped me articulate and clarify my ideas, bringing a level of coherence to my personal reflections.  Her expertise in interpret and articulate our responses was remarkable, especially when explaining concepts like spiritual gifts.  For example, when 'hospitality' emerged as one of my gifts, Oenca's explanation provided a depth of understanding that helped me resonate with my calling.  This programme doesn't just offer information; it really does illuminate God's purpose for our lives."

"Working with you has been an absolute blessing.  You are a really hard worker, and your dedication and work ethic are truly inspiring - you're available to support us day or night, which speaks volumes about your commitment.  What sets you apart is your reflective approach.  Rather than simply providing answers, you guide us to uncover solutions ourselves, encouraging deeper introspection and personal growth.  Your ability to help us 'mine further' and 'dig deeper' is invaluable, as it aligns perfectly with our journey of faith and professional development.

Without doubt, you are a joy to work with and you made the entire process enjoyable.  You're not just a coach, but a trusted guide on our path to success, both in business and in our walk with Christ."

"Participating in this programme has helped me recognise that faith is a gift from God and a source of courage.  This realisation has empowered me to stand firm in my God-given purpose, even in the face of adversity.  The programme's approach of breaking down goals into manageable 'bubbles' has been invaluable.  It's allowed me to stay focused on my mission, particularly in supporting and empowering Black males as heads of households.  While I'm still on this journey, I've gained clarity and conviction.  I now better understand that obstacles are often the enemy's attempts to block God's plan.  This awareness has strengthened my resolve and reduced doubts about my path.  Ultimately, this experience has deepened my faith, sharpened my vision, and equipped me with practical tools to pursue God's calling for my life and business with renewed courage and determination." 

"The Online Leadership Academy has been instrumental in helping me focus on God's plan for my life.  Through this programme, I've gained clarity on the specific areas where I need to concentrate my efforts.  It's not about getting into the minutiae, but rather identifying the key aspects of the bigger picture that align with my divine purpose.  This course is flexible, allowing you to progress at your own pace.  While it can be completed quickly, I found great value in taking my time to deeply engage with the material.  The programme provides a solid foundation for understanding your unique identity and calling as a Christian leader.   Whether you're an entrepreneur, business owner, or organisational leader seeking to discover or confirm your God-given purpose in the professional world, I wholeheartedly recommend this programme.  It's an excellent resource for those looking to develop their leadership style in alignment with their faith." 

These testimonials are more than just words on a screen – they're living proof of God's grace working through dedicated Christian professionals like you. 

As you've read these stories of transformation and success, we hope you've felt a spark of divine inspiration igniting within your own heart.  Remember, your journey as a faith-driven entrepreneur, manager, or leader is unique and purposeful.  

Just as He has guided and blessed those who have shared their experiences here, God has incredible plans for you and your business.

What's next?

Ready to take the next step in aligning your professional calling with God's will?

Want to harness your God-given talents for His glory and the betterment of His kingdom?

Join our community of like-minded believers who are walking this path together, supporting one another, and witnessing miracles in their personal and professional lives.

Reserve Your FREE 20-Minute Consultation Call! 

Let's partner in faith to unlock your true potential and create a legacy that honors Him.   Your testimony of success and spiritual growth could be the next one to inspire countless others.  Take that leap of faith today.

 Your divine appointment awaits!