Unlease Your God-given Potential with the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™

More than just a programme; it's a pathway to living out your purpose with passion and intention, transforming both your life and the lives of those you lead.

The D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R. Your Gifted for Action Experience™ is an immersive and transformative journey designed to help you uncover your God-given purpose, harness your unique strengths, and align your leadership with biblical principles.

This comprehensive programme guides you through a process of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and practical application, empowering you to make a meaningful impact in your life, business, and community.

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Welcome to the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ Programme

The D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ Programme is a modular interactive, experiential, and practical vocational leadership leadership development programme designed specifically for Christian believers.  This programme aims to help participants discover their God-given purpose and calling, enabling them to make meaningful contributions both in their personal and professional lives.  

By particpating, indiviudals will be guided to recognise and utilise their Spiritual Gifts to further God's purpose, ultimately making a positive impact in their communities and workplace.

D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Expert Signature System

What is the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience?

As you can see in the picture above, the full Experience consists of ten modules—Discern, Integrate, Surmise, Conclude, Outlook, Victory, Express, Resilience, Endurance & Determination.  Each module is designed as a standalone experience, allowing you to dive into any of them and still reap the significant benefits of a Bible-based development programme.  The programme offers valuable insights and practical tools to empower your personal, professional, and spiritual growth.

Whether you follow a suggested route or choose your own path through the programme, you'll find that each module offers valuable insights to deepen your relationship with God and help you discover your God-given purpose.

Remember, engaging  with even a few module is better than none at all, and every step you take brings you closer to fulfilling the calling placed on your life.

Our learning process enables you to:

  1. Embody and INTEGRATE biblical principles as you take positive steps to DISCERN and define your specific Kingdom purpose.
  2. Incorporate the 'we' (collective learning) with the 'me' (personal reflection and application) as you explore, SURMISE what your Spiritual  Gift Mix comprises of, and then CONCLUDE what you are supposed to do with the gifts that God has given you.
  3. Develop a 'can do' and positive OUTLOOK that ensures VICTORY over the negative situations you will face as you worship God and EXPRESS His love through your life and work.
  4. Cultivate a level of RESILIENCE and ENDURANCE that will sustain you, and fuel you with the DETERMINATION required to fulfil the unique call on your life to serve.

Key Benefits of the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™

The  D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™  programme offers a transformative journey designed to unlock your full God-given potential.  This unique learning experience empowers participants to embrace their innate gifts and take actionable steps towards fulfiling the divine appointment and calling on their lives.

Discover Personal Strengths

Participants will identify and understand their unique talents, enabling them to leverage these strengths in various aspects of life.

Inspire Action

The programme emphasises practical strategies and tools that motivate individuals to take meaningful action towards their aspirations.

Cultivate Resilience

By fostering a growth mindset, participants learn to navigate challenges and setbacks with confidence and determination.

Enhance Collaboration

The Experience promotes teamwork and networking, encouraging participants to connect with like-minded individuals and build supportive relationships,

Historic Skill Development

We empower participants to use their Spiritual Gifts and equip them with skills and competences that contribute to positive change in the workplace, in business, and local communities.

Achieve Lasting Change

With a focus on sustainable practices, the programme equips individuals with the skills and mindset needed to create long term positive changes in their lives.

By participating in the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™, individuals embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment, ultimately leading to a more fulfilled and purposeful life.

What Participants Say... 

YMCA North Staffordshire ~  "Well, it's beneficial.  It was the discussion times within the modules... the discussion times within the modules. I enjoyed the sessions... I mean you led the discussion, so you had a way of steering the conversations that allowed people to look look at the issues from very different perspectives...  When you led the sessions, you created a very, a good space that allowed very rich perspectives was to come out.  We all didn't have the exact same job type, but then just hearing how God was working or speaking to different people was very, very, useful.
~ Nnaeto Onwuzurumba, Chaplain

What Participants Say... 

"This course has been such a blessing and I am only half way through.  Already it has helped me with handling challenging meetings and working relationships with my team at work.  Oenca has been extremely supportive, she has always made time to meet with me whenever I need help, and she has always given step by step advice with biblical knowledge - the best part is, that it actually works!"
Ashley Rhone, Head of YouTube

YMCA, Heart of England
“One of the real benefits was understanding my giftings, because I never had a real understanding about Spiritual Gifts... and because we honed it down from five to three, they've stuck with me, and I’ve been looking out for them.  They’ve been on my radar, and so I’ve been able to develop them over time.  Looking back, I’ve seen that development and those things that God has developed within me; and because I was aware of them, I’ve been allowing them to be enabled.  Combining that with the 360-degree feedback, as to how I come across, has helped me to be able to develop my giftings as well, and to take that approach into exploring giftings further.  Those giftings are things that are still on my radar now, and actually are being developed some four years later, and they continue to grow.”
Laurence Chilver, Director of Learning & Comunities

Abric CS
"This course has been such a blessing and I am only half way through. Already it has helped me with handling challenging meetings and working relationships with my team at work. Oenca has been extremely supportive, she has always made time to meet with me whenever I need help, and she has always given step by step advice with biblical knowledge - the best part is, that it actually works!" Jean McLeod, Cyber Security Specialist

YMCA, North Staffs
"Our times together we are very enriching... You have a passion that you have about what you do. that makes God's word credible.  I don't know if you've met people who are in ministry but they don't sound like they believe what they say, or they don't sound like they're convinced that they're in the right place. They sound like they're there because they have to. But for you, the passion that you have is very infectious.  You have a warmth that lights up the room, and you definitely do have a gift with people... It's your passion that you have, it just shines through, that sense that over and over again, you've tested God's word, you've tasted it, and you know it to be true.  That just shines through in your work and how you pass on your knowledge to people. "
Nnaeto Onwuzurumba, Chaplain

"It was a good session and I got a lot out of it.  It felt like you were just speaking truth and had figured me out well and knew who I was!  Some of the things you said were like ‘stand back and take a second’ moments for me.  I even wrote a couple of your off the cuff comments down, which is something I never usually would do, I’m definitely one to keep stuff in my head and am rubbish at taking notes...  I realise I often detach myself from what God is doing and don’t take confidence in or accept the gifts that God has given me which isn’t right, and what you said summed this up perfectly and has given me confidence this week!"
S Roe, VSC Media Production Centre Director

YMCA, Heart of England
“The way you phrase questions helps one to see things differently from normal, and that drives out more of your own perspective on an issue.  You helped me to see that being in a leadership position is based on the way people see me.  It's not just only about the organisation, it's about me the person, myself as a leader, and the role I play in it.  You helped me to see that as a leader, saying things like, ‘I believe…’ or 'I want...' at times, is stronger, more powerful that only using, 'we as an organisation', or 'we want to do this', because when people see what you believe, how you’re leading, and the way you're leading in your life… they are more likely to see you, believe what you say, and trust you.  The way you explained that, and bring meaning and understanding to things, helped me to not be fearful of saying ‘I’ in the right way, rather than thinking it's an ego thing, it makes it easier for me to say, ‘Yes, working with you is  a worthy and a great thing."
Rotimi Benjamin, Chaplain

YMCA North Staffordshire ~  "Well, it's beneficial.  It was the discussion times within the modules... the discussion times within the modules. I enjoyed the sessions... I mean you led the discussion, so you had a way of steering the conversations that allowed people to look look at the issues from very different perspectives...  When you led the sessions, you created a very, a good space that allowed very rich perspectives was to come out.  We all didn't have the exact same job type, but then just hearing how God was working or speaking to different people was very, very, useful.
~ Nnaeto Onwuzurumba, Chaplain

Explore the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ Modules

The ten eLearning modules of the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ aims to guide participants along a journey to discovering their God-given purpose, their call to social action, and to achieving their purpose in a healthy way.

This programme is not just a series of training modules; it is a transformative journey with integrated coach-mentoring support to help you embed your learning and implement development activities into your life.

Module Summaries

This module serves as the starting poing for an excitiong journey of exploration, confirmation, and deepening your personal relationship with God, equipping your for a life of Christian service. ~Discover Your Life Purpose

Practically expore how prayer can significantly impact your relationship with God and your daily life.  This module encourages participants to harnest the power of prayer to meed their needs and those of others.
 ~Tapping into the Power of Prayer

Delve into the often complex world of Spiritual Gifts.  This module clarifies the various gifts and helps you identify the unique gifts God has bestowed upon you.
 ~What Has God Gifted You With?

Understanding your Spiritual Gifts is crucial for knowing how to use them effectively.  This module guides participants in recognising their purpose and the beneficiaries of their gifts.
 ~What am I Supposed to Do with My Gifting?

This module emphasises the importance of understanding what it means to live by faith, teaching participants how to actively depend on God as they fulfil their divine mission.
 ~Actively Living by Faith

Participants gain knowledge about spiritual attacks and are equipped with tools to conquer the challenges faced by people of faith, enhancing their resilience.
 ~Overcoming the Battle for Your Mind

Explore the true nature of love and how to express the love of Christ actively in your life.  This module encourages participants to challenge their mindsets about love and its application.
 ~Active Love in Action

Emotional health is vital for those engaged in service.  This module discusses the importance of emotional well-being and the steps necessary to achieve it.
 ~Emotional Health: How do I achieve it?

Building on the previous module, participants learn to identify and develop practices that support long-term emotional health in their daily lives.  ~Emotional Health: How do I Maintain it?

This module highlights the importance of physical health as a foundation for overall well-being, encouraging participants to adopt healthy practices that enhance their ability to serve effectively.  ~Physical Health for Active Social Action

Integrated Support

Each module is designed to be modular, allowing you to focus on the specific areas of your development that hold the most interest for you.   At the end of each module, coach-mentoring support is fully integrated to help you embed your learning and make actionable plans for your personal and spiritual growth.

This ensures that you are not just learning but are being guided and supported throughout your journey, so that you get the most from your learning experience.

Engage with the Gifted for Action® programme and embark on a path of discovery and service that aligns with your God-given purpose.

Which Route is Best for You?

The Gifted for Action® brand recognises that each individual's journey is unique.  Your calling and the level of support you require may differ significantly from other people.  Instead of prescribing a righit pathway, we want to empower you to choose the modules that align with your personal, professional, and spiritual aspirations.  

Our programmes are designed to be flexible, allowing you to navigate through the elements that best fit your needs and guide you toward your purpose destination.

Programme Levels

This foundational level, the Divine Mission Mandate, is your first step in the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ programme.  It focuses on supporting you to understand your calling through a guided exploration of the essential modules.  Through this pathway, participants engage with Options #1; #3; and #4, typically over a duration of 4 months.

Building on the Bronze level, the Silver tier includes the mandatory DISCERN module along with three additions modules of your choice.  This level provides a deeper dive into your personal, professional, and spiritual development, lasting approximately 6 months.

The Gold level offers a comprehensive experience with the mandatory DISCERN module and allows you to select seven additional modules.  This extended engagement, typically lasting 12 months, is ideal for those seeking a profound transformation.

For those fully committed to their learning journey, the Platinum level encompasses all ten modules, providing the most extensive support and resources.  This immersive experience lasts around 18 months, and is designed for individuals ready to embrace their full potential and want coach-mentoring support throughout their journey.

Your Journey Awaits

We believe that the path to fulfilment is not just about reaching a destination but about the experiences, growth, and who you are becoming along the way.  By allowing you to select the modules that resonate with your unique journey, we ensure that your experience is not only enriching but also deeply personal.

Take the next step with us, and discover the route that best fits your needs.  Your journey is waiting to unfold, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Transform Your Vision into Reality: Let's Discuss Your Path Forward

Book your FREE 20-minute D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Consultation Call Today!

If you have questions or need more information, schedule your
FREE 20-minute Consultation Call today!
Let's explore your options together and find the best path forward.

If you're interested in uncovering your God-given purpose but feel hesitant about making a commitment right now, that's completely understandable.  Why not schedule a free Clarity Call to discuss your thoughts and explore the various other options we have available.  We're here to support you on your journey, no pressure involved!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) 

The D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ is not just another leadership or personal development programme; it’s a transformative journey that integrates your faith, purpose, and professional goals.  What sets this programme apart is its focus on uncovering your God-given gifts and aligning them with your career and life objectives.  Through a combination of biblical principles, personalised coaching, and actionable strategies, this programme empowers you to lead with authenticity and integrity, creating a lasting impact in your personal life, business, and community.  Unlike other programmes, the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience is deeply rooted in faith, ensuring that every step you take is in alignment with your spiritual beliefs and life purpose.

The D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience programme is designed to guide you through a process of deep self-reflection and discovery, helping you identify the unique gifts and talents that God has placed within you.  Through a series of structured modules, exercises, and one-on-one coaching sessions, you’ll gain clarity on your strengths, passions, and the specific calling that God has for your life.  This clarity will then be translated into actionable steps that align your gifts with your professional aspirations, enabling you to pursue your career or business goals with renewed purpose and confidence.  Whether you’re looking to make a career change, start a new business, or elevate your current role, the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience will equip you with the tools and insights you need to move forward with intention and impact.

Absolutely!  The D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience programme is designed to meet you where you are, regardless of your life stage or career phase.  Whether you’re just starting out, in the midst of a career transition, or looking to take your leadership to the next level, this programme is tailored to support you on your unique journey.  The beauty of the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience programme lies in its adaptability—it offers a personalised approach that considers your specific needs, challenges, and goals.  By focusing on uncovering and aligning your God-given gifts with your current circumstances, the programme ensures that you can experience growth and fulfilment, no matter where you are on your development path.

Faith is at the heart of the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ programme.   Every aspect of the programme is designed to align with biblical principles and values, ensuring that your spiritual beliefs are integrated into your personal and professional growth.  Throughout the programme, you’ll engage in faith-based reflections, prayer, and scriptural study, which will guide your journey of self-discovery and leadership development.  The programme emphasises the importance of seeking God’s guidance in every decision and action, helping you to lead a life that is not only successful but also deeply rooted in faith and purpose.  By integrating faith with practical strategies, the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience empowers you to live out your calling in a way that honours God and serves others.

The D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ is designed to be flexible and accessible, catering to the busy lives of professionals and leaders.  The programme generally lasts between 4 - 12 months, depending on the number of modules you choose, with the option to add additional support elements or customise the programme, which may extend the duration.  The programme is delivered primarily online, allowing you to participate from anywhere in the world at a pace that suits you.  You’ll have access to a combination of live coaching sessions, self-paced modules, interactive exercises, and a supportive online community.  This format ensures that you can integrate the programme into your daily life without disrupting your current commitments, while still receiving the full benefits of a structured and comprehensive learning experience.

Yes, the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience programme is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for customisation to meet your unique needs and goals.  During your initial consultation, we’ll discuss your specific objectives, challenges, and desired outcomes, and tailor the programme to ensure it aligns with your personal and professional aspirations.  This might include additional coaching sessions, focused modules on specific topics, or extended support to address complex challenges.  By offering a personalised approach, the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ ensures that you receive the guidance and resources you need to fully realise your God-given potential and achieve your goals.

Throughout the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience programme, you’ll have access to a range of support and resources designed to enhance your learning and ensure your success.  This includes regular one-on-one coaching sessions, interactive group discussions, and access to a library of faith-based resources such as eBooks, articles, and videos.  Additionally, you’ll be part of a vibrant online community where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive encouragement and support.  After the programme, you’ll have the opportunity to continue to have access to this community, along with periodic check-ins to help you stay on track with your goals.  We’re committed to your ongoing growth and success, and we’ll be there to support you every step of the way.

The D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience is specifically designed to help you align your broader life purpose with your business and career goals.  By focusing on uncovering your God-given gifts and understanding how they intersect with your professional aspirations, the programme ensures that every decision you make and every action you take is in harmony with your overall life purpose.  Whether you’re looking to build a business that reflects your values, lead a team with integrity, or make a meaningful impact in your community, the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ provides the tools and insights to help you integrate your faith, purpose, and professional goals into a cohesive and fulfilling life journey.

Getting started with the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Your Gifted for Action Experience™ is simple.  The first step is to book a free D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Clarity Call with us.  During this call, we’ll discuss your goals, challenges, and how the D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R Experience can support you in uncovering your God-given gifts and aligning them with your professional aspirations.  After the call, if you decide that this programme is the right fit for you, we’ll guide you through the registration process and get you started on your transformative journey.  You’ll receive immediate access to our online platform, where you can begin exploring the initial modules and start laying the foundation for your growth and success.  We’re excited to help you take this important step towards living out your calling with purpose and impact.

Contact us for more information

Discover Your Divine Calling

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